We never want finances to get in the way of having an amazing Girl Scout summer!
Campership: Any youth member living in one of the 23 GSNMT counties is eligible for financial assistance, aka Campership for overnight and/or day camp! Campership applications close on May 1 each year. Camperships do not cover camp deposits.
Opportunity Fund: Campers attending troop, family, or alum camp may apply for assistance from the Opportunity Fund. Applications are due 3 weeks before the start of your campers session. While Opportunity Fund applications are processed weekly, requests for assistance must be made by the camp registration deadline. Opportunity funds do not cover camp deposits.
Juliette Fund: Individually registered Girl Scouts, aka Juliettes, may request assistance from the Juliette Fund. Juliette funds may be used to assist with deposits as well as full camp fees.