Mad Science
Details to come!
During this exclusive members-only event, Girl Scouts will get to explore the zoo after hours, visit hands-on activity stations, enjoy a fun dance party, and listen to the sounds of the zoo as they camp under the stars.
Dust off your clubs, invite your friends and colleagues, and join us on the links at one of the finest golf courses in Albuquerque, Sandia Golf Club! All proceeds benefit Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails and its leadership development program for girls.
Girl Scouts flaunt their artistic talents and business skills and practice their entrepreneurial skills and earn money by selling hand-made crafts.
Visit New Mexico’s State Capitol to learn how laws are made by local decision-makers during our state’s legislative session. Discover democracy through hands-on activities, explore The Roundhouse building, meet legislators, and learn how you can take action to advocate for change in your community!
Girl Scouts Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors who earned their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Awards will receive their high award pins and certificates. Take your photo at our red carpet photo booth, dance the night away with DJ-curated music, and celebrate while enjoying desserts and beverages.