Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails, Explora, Cuidando Los Niños, Libros For Kids, Mandy’s Farm, JAG New Mexico, AMIkids, and New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation are the organizations receiving money.
“Currently, Libros for Kids, Inc. is delivering books monthly to 1513 children in Valencia County which equates to 36% of children ages 0-5 years,” said Libros for Kids President John Heidrich. “The grant from NMOGA will allow us to serve 167 more children! That increases our coverage to 40% of pre-school children receiving books in their homes. Studies show that reading to your child, under the age of 5, two or three times a week increases their vocabulary, improves their ability to concentrate, and improves their elementary school literacy test scores.”
The money will be used to provide economic opportunities, educational programming, and fight hunger throughout New Mexico.