At our council’s annual meeting in November 2022, delegates were elected to represent New Mexico Trails at the national convention in July 2023. The delegates engaged and gathered feedback from Girl Scout members in our council, learned about proposals, and took action to be the voice of Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails during the National Council Session. They then brought back information to share locally at Service Units and other communication avenues. These delegates continue to be authorized to vote on behalf of our council in the interim.
Our delegates (listed at the end of this email) are now being called to a special session on October 19th, 2024. In advance of that session, we want your feedback on two proposals related to dues increases that GSUSA is proposing. To understand this special session please follow the steps below and then take our survey to share your feedback.
Step 1: Please watch the video below from our national CEO and national board president explaining the proposal's rationale and financial implications. The password to view the video is: @vHeA5x0
Step 2: The Delegate Workbook serves as the formal call to meeting for the Special 57th National Council Session, which will take place virtually on Zoom on Saturday, October 19, 2024, to consider membership dues increases, and contains the proposal details as well as parliamentary and business procedures. The proposals may be found on pgs. 11 - 19.
Step 3: For any further questions or background information needed, please refer to the Blue Book and the Filling a Blank in a Motion Video. Password: Db%5EN$q
Step 4: Complete the survey here so that your input can be summarized and shared with the council delegates before the Special National Council Session.
Thank you for allowing our council and delegates to share this important information with you. Our council delegation representing New Mexico Trails at this Special Session are Karen Bergren (Taos), Callie O’Buckley Kent (Santa Fe), and Raven Sillence (Rio Rancho). Alternate delegates are Joanna Fair (Albuquerque) and Tammany Peters (Albuquerque). We appreciate your support of these volunteers!
Governance structures are part of every Girl Scout council and are defined by the council bylaws and in the Blue Book.