In addition to earning official badges connected to the skills they’re learning, Girl Scouts can also earn Council Patches for participating in special events or activities. Patches are worn on the back of vests or sashes, while badges are worn on the front, and are another great way for Girl Scouts to proudly display their interests and accomplishments.
Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails offers additional patches that are not listed in your program-level handbooks. These patch programs are unique to our Council and were either designed by us, in partnership with a local company/organization, or by a Girl Scout/Troop from Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails.
Council Patches can be purchased by visiting La Tienda, by contacting (505) 923-2522, by submitting a La Tienda Order Request Form, or by emailing [email protected].
Ballooning in New Mexico
Community Safety sponsored by PNM
Cookie Boss
Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails Council Patch
Healthy Kids, Healthy Families sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
Hispanic Heritage
Historic Route 66
Juliette Gordon Low
Kind, Loving, Caring, Sharing with the Jennifer Riordan Foundation
Member Recruiter
Mental Health Awareness
Native American Heritage
Pay It Forward
Zero Hunger, Zero Waste sponsored by Kroger